Thursday, April 18, 2013

my second to last off weekend of the spring season

This past weekend was the 6th race of the season I watched from my couch since being at the 2013 Daytona 500.

Jimmie Johnson's winning #48 car c/o mopar1

Even though she is into a different type of racing, my wife Danielle (Life Love and Long Runs) watched the race w/ me until about 20 laps to go and then went up to get ready for bed.  She is a bit of a swimmer, cyclist, runner - these athletic people are known as triathletes. (not something I was familiar with before I met her)
I soon followed her to bed following the race (which was easy due to the race's winner) because I was planning on waking up at 5:30 Sunday morning to watch her race in the Fitness Women's Half Marathon in NYC.  FYI - I'm into watching all types of racing.
We left our house at 6:00 AM and made our way into the city, where I dropped her off to meet a friend who was also racing.  I then made my way into Times Square, which is a very different place at 7:00 AM, to #FlyYours - see @RIRInsider #FlyYours on twitter.

I was already in "only one more off weekend to go" mode and getting amped up for NASCAR's next night race at America's Premier Short Track in Richmond, VA!

During the half marathon, I usually only get to see her twice.  Unlike during the IRONMAN where I saw her about 15 times since it was 14 straight hours of exercising!!!  I'll be sure to write about that race spectating in the future.

Danielle @ Mile 9

Danielle set a personal record for her half marathon time!  It was now time to get back to the "burbs" and watch the Masters (after completing the "honeydo" list of course).

12 days from then, I would be leaving for Richmond and my spring off-season would nearly be over!

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